Fee Structure

Transparent, Inclusive, and Comprehensive Education

Spectrum International School Fee Structure

You can download he full fee structure and terms of payment from here!

Pre-Entry Fees

One-Time Payment (Applicable for new students only)

Fee Type


Application Fee

(Non-refundable and non-transferable. One-time payable by admission to the Placement Test)

RM 500

Security Deposit

(Refundable Terms and Condition applied) Please refer to the Terms and Conditions attached.

RM 5,000

Registration Fee

Non-refundable and non-transferable. One-time payable upon confirmation of admission

RM 2,500

Device Registration Fee for Chromebook & Notebook

Non-refundable and non-transferable. One-time payable upon confirmation of admission – Terms and conditions apply

RM 250

Annual School Fees

Spectrum Wonders (Early Childhood Education)






3-4 years

4-5 years

5-6 years

Tuition Fee

RM 14,100

RM 14,100

RM 15,100

Activities Fee

RM 1,000

RM 1,000

RM 1,000

Learning Resources Fee

RM 1,000

RM 1,000

RM 1,000


RM 16,000

RM 16,100

RM 17,100



Lower Primary (LP)
Year 1-2-3

Upper Primary (UP)
Year 4-5-6


6-9 years

9-12 years

Tuition Fee

RM 16,400

RM 17,600

Activities Fee

RM 1,200

RM 1,200

Learning Resources Fee

RM 1,500

RM 1,800


RM 19,100

RM 20,600



Lower Secondary (LS)
Year 7-8-9

Upper Secondary (US)
Year 10-11-12

A Level Sixth Form
Year 12


12-15 years

15-17 years

17-18 years

Tuition Fee

RM 19,700

RM 23,900

RM 29,900

Activities Fee

RM 1,400

RM 850

RM 850

Learning Resources Fee

RM 2,000

RM 2,300

RM 2,500


RM 23,100

RM 27,050

RM 33.250

For internation students

Visa by the School

Visa Type




For Child with age 4 years old and above.

*with condition officially registered in school

RM 1,200


For Child with age below 4 years old.

*with condition NOT under School Enrollment

RM 1,400


Applicable for MOTHER ONLY

*with condition unemployed

RM 1,400

Double Guardian

Applicable for FATHER ONLY & once the Guardian Visa (Mother) is obtained from the immigration.

*with condition Father not under any employment in Malaysia

RM 1,400

Miscellenous Fees

Books & Uniforms

Parents may do online purchase via Parent Zone once completed the Admission stages and officially registered as Spectrum Parents. Payment to be made directly to the assigned vendor and both items will be delivered to your address.

Spectrum Clubs (S-Clubs)

This is an additional program in which students may select their interested clubs. 

There are 2 components of selection; Sports Skills (1 selection per semester) & Skills Scape (1 selection per semester). Parents will be given access to select the clubs and the fees will be based on the selected clubs. S-Clubs is conducted after the school hours, once a week per club (1 hour session).

Visa Application

Refer to Visa Checklist. All documents must be completed and visa fees are payable upon admission confirmation.

School Canteen Services

There is a meal subscription via Parent Zone and payment to be made directly to the canteen supplier. The meal will be packed based on your selection and students may collect from the canteen during their break.

Transportation Services

School Transportation can be subscribed via Parent Zon and available upon request and home location. Fees are payable directly to the assigned transporter.

Educational Trips and Additional External event/activities

Educational trips are scheduled by the school group level (Lower/Upper). Parents will be notified in advance via guardian email and upon consent given, parent to fill in the registration form with payment slip enclosed and submit before the closing date.

Cambridge Examinations

Parents will be notified in advance of the External Examination Checklist. External examination fees for Cambridge Checkpoints Year 6 & Year 9, IGCSE Year 11 and A-Level are NOT included in the School Fee invoice. Examination Fees are payable within 30 days, a separate invoice will be issued for payment before the examination sessions, whichever is earlier.

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