Spectrum Education Modules (SEM)

While choosing and using  Spectrum Education modules, we believe in the student centered approach. In addition, we ensure good communication with parents to help them engage with students’ progress and updates.

Hence, we activate the rectangle of education between the four main parties, student, teacher, parent and school. Providing the one to one communication and proper updated feedback. The more active communication the more positive results and achievements from the students. 

In addition, accessing our SEM modules can be done remotely. All you need is a good internet connection. Building our SEM came to meet modern day demands for a successful education.
Student Centered approach, learning transparency. parent engagement and more cooperation between the involved parties.

Google for Education

Iis a service from Google that provides independently customizable versions of several Google products. It features several Web applications with similar functionality to traditional office suites, including Gmail, Hangouts, Meet, Google Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Groups, News, Play, Sites, and Vault. The products also tie into the use of Chromebooks which can be added to the Google Workspace Domain of the educational establishment. As you can see this alignment with the main principles we mentioned above.

Microsoft for Education:

Since our students are special and they need to have a different tool box as an option considering the situation. Microsoft for education is the second option we provide. Similar to  Google for education, Microsoft hasOffice 365 apps for the web with popular platforms like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote so teachers and students can work together, communicate seamlessly, and create amazing content.


Focused on driving your success, PowerSchool SIS is the leading student information system software solution for K-12 educational institutions. Power your operations with flexible, innovative, easy-to-use technology that plays a central role in our school.
Give parent, student, and teacher all student data and gives users real-time access to the most current student information, including demographics, attendance, enrollment and admissions, fees, scheduling, and graduation planning. As you can see this alignment with the main principles we mentioned above.

Academic Platform:

Additionally, we offer SEM platforms for each subject to support the hybrid learning – flipped classroom – Blended learning and at the same time to match with the principles mentioned above.

Academic Platforms, includes a package of educational applications, websites and online programs that we provide for our students and parents. Along with the school’s google account, they have access to over 10 different educational Modules. 

SEM keeps the educational environment active, fun and student centred. Whether during class, applying a blended learning approach, or as homework for a flipped classroom, students always enjoy interacting with the different modules to reach the learning objectives. 

To support the students’ learning when it comes to Arabic language, Modules like Kalemon and Bareq, offer resources and assessments that follow the textbook used in class. 

For science and Math, the fun Twig and diverse iMaths provide visual insights to lessons, online experiments and numerous interactive resources. 

Quran Halaqas are also supported by Al-Muqri educational applications. It provides the correct recitation for the Quranic verses and a soft copy of the holy quran explained by English translation. 

Other Modules are of a more general content that benefits multiple subjects and fields. Such as the online library, Q-files. As well as the educational assessment platforms, Quizizz, Edpuzzle and Kahoot. Adding fun to classwork, homework or even tests.Â