Outside the standard framework of the educational curriculum, there are more opportunities for students to learn new skills and ignite new passions. Extracurricular activities ECA are a vital element in any student’s development.

Our ECA is conducted during school hours, twice a week. Overall the school has 13 different clubs. It includes clubs for physical activities like netball, football, badminton or table tennis club that encourages a healthy lifestyle and develops key physical attributes.

 There are also clubs that are all about art, culture and creativity. Namely, sewing, art and drama. As well as learning and leadership clubs such as good reads, story telling, journalism and the model united nations club.  According to their interests, students get to choose which club to join. Apart from year 10 and 11, all other levels get two ECA sessions a week.


The achievements of our clubs are always celebrated and shared whether as an earned trophy displayed in the school’s exhibition, a wall magazine prepared by our students or a performance during school events. 

Participating in ECA shows not just a boost in the students’ academic performance, it also broadens their social skills, improves their character and adds impressive experience to their resume.Â